Most companies usually consider golf as one of the best “go-to” marketing activity for entertaining and bonding with clients. Many corporate sales people have attested that there is something about golf that helps them to strengthens business relationships and make sales more easily. It is therefore no surprise that many offices have resorted to installing artificial putting greens to entertain their clients during a visit.
Playing a round of golf with clients provides an excellent way to welcome clients for more productive meetings. Essentially, it opens up many other business opportunities because the scenery provides a less intimidating environment for your clients to share their business needs and buy.
As the host, you therefore get to spend quality, one-on-one time with your clients in a relaxed environment, that gives off a nice, feel-good factor. Just think about being out in your lush, synthetic putting greens with the amazing fresh air, zero- time restrictions, and no consistent buzzing of phone calls unlike the traditional office setting! There is absolutely no reason why you should not close those business deals you have been pursuing!
What are the Benefits of Installing Synthetic Putting Greens for Your Office and Putting with Your Clients?
- One of the best things about artificial putting greens is that they can be installed anywhere in your office premises. You can install it on your office’s indoor spaces, the outdoor yard, parking lot or at a rooftop space.
- You can install your synthetic practice greens on various surfaces, including concrete and soil.
- Also, it does not matter how many clients you wish to host at these custom golfing environments! It is because your do-it-yourself (DIY) putting green kits can be designed in a variety of shapes and sizes and shapes.
These are some of the advantages of putting with your clients:
- It Encourage Productive and Stronger Relationships with Your Clients
Using custom putting green designs to install artificial putting greens at your office is an innovative way of fostering better social interactions with your clients. You clients get to experience your business in a different and memorable way. This makes them more receptive to your business propositions.
When you are not behind a high-pressure environment, behind the desk, you too are relaxed and you can be and enjoy yourself. This helps to cultivate a stronger more productive relationship with lasting connections that are vital to the future growth of your business.
- It offers you an innovative way to hold meetings with your clients
I am pretty certain that if you had to ask clients whether they’d like to sit in a meeting the ancient way, in conference rooms and boardrooms, or play a game of golf in a serene and relaxing environment of artificial putting greens, they would choose the latter! Negotiating business deals with your clients while using the opportunity to get an improved putting (short game) is definitely a more memorable and impactful way to make a sale. Additionally, the game can be an activity you do after the table meeting as a way to relax and get to know each other. Therefore, having synthetic practice greens at your office not only allows you to entertain your clients in a casual setting but also helps you set the stage for productive business discussions.
- Artificial putting greens boost the ambiance of your office setting
Installing synthetic practice greens to your office indirectly helps you to boost the engagement with your clients and consequently, the sales. How you may ask? Installing synthetic practice greens is a great way of adding a little green to your office setting. This cost-effective way is easier with less maintenance than natural grass and it makes the ambiance very inviting.
- You get ample time to bond and talk about shared interests with your clients
You will get to bond more with a client over a game of golf on artificial putting greens than in a closed-door meeting. Therefore, devote an hour or so on the artificial golf course to talk about business in a more comfortable and personalized way. You can establish common interests with your clients and this may lead to a genuine friendship. If this develops well, the opportunities for bigger and better future business will be possible. In addition, you can go a step further and introduce your clients to your co-workers and management team. This will go a long way toward making the client feel appreciated, trusted, and a crucial part of your company.
- Putting with your clients contributes to your personal development significantly
The most obvious benefit of putting with your client is that it gives you ample time to refresh your mind and relax. However, it also has many other contributions to your professional career. There are many aspects that you can carry over from your golfing sessions at the synthetic practice greens to your sales trade. For example, traits such as focus, consistency, and discipline all come in handy when putting with your clients at your custom golfing environments. However, these traits are also transferable to your overall sales performance.
Additionally, putting with a prospective client offers you valuable, first-hand insight into their thought process and how they handle different situations. You will therefore be better equipped to successfully negotiate all your future business deals because you know which of their buttons to press!
Office golfing has become a popular way to improve office relationships and increase sales. This is because it creates a bond with your client in a relaxed environment. Artificial putting greens also allow you to talk about shared interests, as well as boost the ambiance of your office setting. Putting with clients offers a unique and memorable way to hold meetings with your clients. Best of all, custom golfing environments encourage more productive, stronger relationships and sales! – so what are you waiting for? Contact us today for a DIY artificial green kit for your office space!