Our “Do It Yourself” putting green kits have been specifically designed to ensure complete success in building your own custom putting green. When deciding which kit will work best for vou there are some important points to consider. We offer different kit toes. Pre-Seamed. Self-Seamed Roll-Outs, as well as PGA Replica putting green kits. We can also custom design a putting green kit just for your needs. With your kit you will
recieve pro cups and target flags with colors and numbers of your choice. All three putting green kit types come with professional consulting as you bulld your DIY putting green. Rest assured our ultimate goal is to make sure your home putting green project comes to life just the way you envisioned it. Custom accessories are also available for your putting green kit. See our putting green kit types below
Self-Seamed Putting green kits are designed to allow the installer to cut and seam their own fringe and putting green turf (if required). We provide complete guidance through your build; instruction
quides. videos. and direct consultation. This is something anvone comtoriable with basic tools can do easiv and can save vou thousands on the cost of our own synthetic putting green
Pre-Seamed Putting Green kits are made to be the easiest way to
a home putting green. The putting green and fringe comes delivered
fully seamed, ready to roll out, and install. Installation time is also considerably reduced so you will be practicing your short game sooner than ever. We have a large selection or Pre-seamed outting
green kit shapes available to choose from.
Ever dreamed of laving on a PGA tour puttina green in vour own
backyard? We have built the bridge to make that dream a reality for golfers across America. We have designed full and half scale
replica kits from famous PGA tour courses. Not only can you order
one of our pre designed kits, but we can also design a klit around
any PGA putting green you choose